Sam Tiéfolo Diabaté

Sam Tiéfolo Diabaté

Physical Oceanographer

Météo France


My name is Sam Tiéfolo Diabaté, and I am a research engineer at Météo France (Toulouse, France), within the department for marine forecast (DirOP/MAR). I recently completed a PhD in physical oceanography at Maynooth University, in Ireland, and I am now back in France. At present, my work focuses on coastal flooding along the french seaboard. More broadly, I am interested in sea-level science as well as oceanic currents.

This website is intended for anyone interested in my work. Please be kind: bear in mind that English is not my native language. This website is also under permanent revision, and at times, some features may malfunction. Do not hesitate to report to me any of those.

🇫🇷 The website is also available in French — just click the rightmost icon in the menu bar at the top of the page. Le site est aussi accessible en français, en cliquant sur l’icône en haut à droite dans la barre de menus. 🇫🇷

  • Ocean Dynamics
  • Sea Level
  • Tide Gauges
  • Coastal Flooding
  • PhD in Physical Oceanography, 2024

    Maynooth University, Ireland

  • MSc (Master 2) in Physical Oceanography, 2019

    Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France & International Chair In Mathematical Physics and Applications, Benin

  • MSc (Master 1) in Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate Sciences, 2018

    Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France

  • BSc (Licence) in Engineering Sciences, 2017

    Université du Mans, France

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